Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Bible House family - 1906

The date 1906 is written on the back of one collector’s copy of this photograph. However, another copy came to me with the date August 1907 attached to it, but with no documentary evidence. Yet another copy surfaced which just said pre-1909, which obviously has to be true because that is when they moved to Brooklyn. Also Estella Whitehouse married Isaac Hoskins (both in the picture) in January 1908. If any readers have positive documentary proof for the date it would nice to know.

Most will recognise a few of the people. Bohnet, Van Amburgh and Hirsh leap off the page for me. CTR is not there (a fanciful thought, maybe he was behind the camera) and neither is his sister Margaret, although Margaret’s daughter, Alice Land, is there.

I had a little difficulty working out rows one and two until I carefully checked the feet in the photograph. The rows are counted from the front to the back.

Addenda: I have it on very good authority from someone who has checked all the directories year by year for Allegheny that this group of people were there in 1907. A future article will cover the personnel in Bible House year by year. When that article is eventually published it will replace this one, which will be taken down at that point.